Objets trouvés

In each piece is evident his acute sensitivity to the psychological and spiritual imprints remaining in abandoned objects, creating an exhibition that is by turns playful and moving. 

For his Objets trouvés exhibition at TUITUI Art Space, Pascal Harris produced a curiousity-provoking selection of sculptures and mixed-media works using found objects. Harris, who has worked in photography and music and comes from a family of artists, explores a range of themes, including longing, loss, emptiness and purity. 

A rusted railway spike suspended from a thin wire and hovering in the air is one of the exhibition’s opening pieces. A mobile of a rusted windscreen wiper with several metal nuts suspended by red threads is another piece. This sculpture shows Harris’s sensitivity to the beauty in even the most ordinary objects and the mobile’s precarious balance and fine threads convey a sense of the fragility and transience of life. 

Half of the works in the show are a mixture of found objects and photographs, taken by Harris, pasted on cardboard painted black or white. The objects include rusty nails, discarded pieces of clothing and an abandoned hairbrush. Harris’s ability to transform commonplace objects into works of art displays talent and originality. One piece features a piece of crumpled and weathered cloth that was found in a supermarket car park and becomes a work of haunting beauty. 

The exhibition “Objets trouvés” shows Harris’s imaginative vision in relation to discarded and forgotten things. In each piece is evident his acute sensitivity to the psychological and spiritual imprints remaining in abandoned objects, creating an exhibition that is by turns playful and moving. 

Art Works:
